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Coaching & Consulting

Your future

Get more clarity - change your life - now.
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What we do

At IntroVision we provide individual coaching for people of all ages, helping you to find your inner vision for your life and the tools to reach your goals.

How we do it

We offer one-to-one coaching sessions that  can be held online via Zoom, phone  or other platforms, as well as in person depending on the client’s location.

IntroVision helps you to get clarity. You have the tools within you and we can help you activate them.

Intro Vision Clarity

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep balance, you must keep moving."

Intor Vision what we can do


What coaching can do for you

  • Create the change you are looking for
  • Get out of a complex or blocked situation
  • Start putting your dream in place
  • Set up a more balanced life
  • Find meaning in what you are doing
  • Reconnect with your values
  • In a nutshell: take charge of your life
Intro Vision Future


Get ready for an ever changing world

There are lots of changes coming our way in the near future. The more you are in the clear about your capacities and where you want to go, the better you will adapt.

Intro Vision individual<br />


Through your lenses

No two people see the world the same. Past experiences, personal believes, cultural heritage, family traditions, aspirations, capacities, we are all complex  individuals. With our non-directive approach we put you in the center of focus. It’s you who has the keys to unlock your potential.

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If you don’t chose your path and goals – life will simply choose it for you.

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Next Gen

Next Gen

Navigating through turbulences

Today’s world is complex and fast paced. Sometimes it is hard to focus and find your north star. When you are trying to find your path and place in society, it can be helpful to get some outside perspective to put things into a more global context.

 Moving forward

What are you looking for?

  • I need a clearer vision for my life
  • I’m stuck somehow and need a new dynamic
  • I need some motivation to get moving
  • I need a better work-life balance
  • I’m close to a burnout in my job
  • I need an outside point of view
  • I want to make a career change
  • I’m starting my career
  • I’m an introvert ready to explore the world
  • I need some clarity and solutions
  • I want to be more efficient and confident
  • I can’t really tell what it is, but could use some input
Intro Vision Dream Big

Want to coach yourself? Check out Atomic Habits: a guide to improve your life in DIY style

I am a medical doctor, looking to change my focus. Andy has been very insightful, and has helped me fine tune my thoughts and direction. He knows how to create a very open and safe space in which to explore options and possibilities. He is a good listener and was able to give me very useful tools to use on the next part of my journey.

Howard K.

MD, San Diego

I just wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the coaching and support that I have received. The sessions have been helping me to find a new vision for my online project and a clear and more realistic path towards my goals. The guidance, knowledge and encouragement have been truly invaluable. Thank you for everything.

Julian G.

Manager, Lausanne

It was an absolute pleasure working with Andy and I hope to do so again in the future.

Patrick R.

CEO, Los Angeles

 Andy is a great guy to work with! He is very patient and provides feedback that helps me move along quickly to get the job done.

Jessica F.

Manager, Geneva

I want to extend a big thank you for the coaching provided today, it has made a real difference in my interview. I was able to showcase my skills and qualifications in a way that my potential future boss really took notice of. Will see how things go but I’m more confident now!

Jeff T.

PMI Project Manager, Lausanne

My session with Andy was really effective and I highly recommend his personal coaching approach . He asked great questions that really helped me get more clarity as to what I need to focus on for my upcoming projects and I walked away with a clear roadmap that is measurable and actionable. Thanks Andy!

Christian N.

Marketing Manager, Vista, CA

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching?

Most people aspire to get better and improve – to be the best they can be. Coaching can help you reach this objective.

However, coaching is not about telling you what to do, but to help you clarify and take control of your life. It can help you to evaluate what you are currently doing and to give you a new perspective, resulting in possibly better and more efficient tools to achieve your goals, dreams, and objectives.

How Do I Know if you are the right Coach for Me?

Coaching works like a partnership between the coach and you, the client. The coach helps clarify goals, making them challenging and motivating, and then accompanies you to achieve them with the energy that comes from the client’s – your – deepest values.

To find out if the coach fits your needs, the best approach is always to have a transparent first conversation to find out if the respective values match.

How is Coaching different from therapy?

Coaching is very different from therapy.

In therapy, the client comes because he or she is unhappy in his or her life and wants relief from psychological (or physical) symptoms. Therapy is more focused on finding the reasons why a certain problem is occurring and then finding a possible cure. Coaching does not look at the past but focuses on the present situation and how to move forward into the future to achieve the client’s goals.

How does coaching work?

A coach will help you explore the present and create the future you want. He will help you achieve your goals and live your values. A coach is at your service.

However, the coach is not your support system for the potential problems in your life. The coach is like a co-pilot who helps you identify, navigate, and execute your trip. YOU are the pilot who is in charge at any moment.

What is your coaching approach?

Our coaching approach is based on mostly non-directive approach, meaning we will not tell you what to do, but help you find the answers yourself. After all, you are the expert and in charge of your life.

Some of our principles are:

  • You have all the resources you need within you
  • There is no failure, only feedback.
  • If you don’t get the result you want, try another way.
  • Intellectual understanding is not enough
  • Change comes through action
  • Coaching is an equal partnership
  • You are in control and responsible to take action

Take your first step

First of all, we do not have an Instagram or Facebook account – we don’t even have a contact form.

What we do have, is an invitation to take your first step to your new self. Use our email address to send us a short summary of your current situation and what your future projects are. This will give you the opportunity to identify your first key points on which we can start working on.

We speak English, French and German.

If you have any specific questions about logistics, pricing or coaching packages, feel free to contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you.





+41 021 546 60 60


Lausanne – Switzerland